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Our Mission
To have a community of confident, well-rounded youth who are respectful of others and their community; to take ownership of their communities and focus their energy in a positive way.


Who We Are

The Earthkeepers are a non-profit organization originating in 2005 providing the youth of

Enfield and surrounding areas with summer work.

Our goals are to provide youth a strong work ethic, skills and to teach youth

the value of community.
We aim to provide youth with valuable life lessons to help them make positive

choices for now and in their future.


Click HERE for a list of our Board of Directors

In the Community

For every four hours of work, one hour is donated back to the community.

Our Services

Our Services...

  • Lawn mowing

  • Weeding

  • Landscaping

  • Yard maintenance

  • Watering plants

  • Stacking wood

  • Spring clean-ups

  • Painting/staining

  • Gardening.


If you have a job not on this list, let us know and we'll see how we can help you. 


Call us for a quote at 902-240-1253or 

Interested in starting your own Earthkeepers?


 Today we have numerous youth who have gone through the program working in the community and feedback from employers has been excellent!

The strength and success of the program requires first, that you have committed youth and second, the support of local businesses and the government. Couple this  with a committed board of directors and that is what has made our program successful and has helped to keep youth engaged and off the street. 

To assist you in getting started with your own group, we have created an Earthkeepers manual, available for $250.00  which is 100% refundable once the group is up and running. We offer this in an effort to encourage new programs across the country.  Please email us for more information. 

Start your own
Home: Contact

 "Thank you once again for the bursary. The Earthkeepers program has truly brought me so much in my life and taught me so many lessons that will help me in school in the fall and in life in general. I am happy to have spent so much time at Earthkeepers and I am extremely happy to have been the one best suited to receive the bursary. I will be attending Dalhousie University for Engineering in the fall and the money should help me buy my textbooks for my first semester classes. Thanks so much!"

Matthew Cejpa

Contact Earthkeepers

Get In Touch

Thanks for submitting!


Enfield Earthkeepers Association

P.O. Box 42

Enfield, NS 

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